Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the College Challenge Program?

大学挑战计划是电子游戏试玩和参与计划的高中之间的一项合作协议,该协议使高中生能够在当地高中教授的课程中获得大学学分. The program is designed for high school students, typically juniors and seniors, who have a desire for more advanced course work. 参加该计划的学生每成功完成一门课程就可以同时获得大学和高中学分.

大学挑战课程由被电子游戏试玩批准教授大学水平课程的高中教师讲授. 课程在典型的高中环境中方便地教授,因此学生不必在课外时间上课. Courses are taught at a special, reduced tuition rate.

Q. How much does the College Challenge Program cost?

参加大学挑战计划的学生可以大大降低学费, adjusted specifically for this program.

  • The current fee rate is $25 per credit hour.
  • Partial payments are not permitted.
  • Fees are payable by Visa, MasterCard, check, or money order.
  • Checks and money orders should be made payable to Indiana State University.

只有符合免费/减免午餐计划资格的学生才有资格豁免大学挑战赛课程的所有学费/费用. 学生的高中辅导员必须提供学生参加免费/减免午餐计划资格的必要文件.

Q. 参加大学挑战计划的学生有奖学金机会吗?

Yes. 满足奖学金要求并以“C”或更高成绩成功完成至少一门大学挑战赛课程的学生将获得250美元的一次性奖学金. 该奖学金不可转让,必须在电子游戏试玩使用. To receive the scholarship, 学生必须在四年级的3月1日前无条件申请并被国际滑联录取.

Note: Students do not receive $400 per successful completion of each College Challenge course for which they enroll; this is a one-time scholarship that is disbursed during the student' freshman year if the student is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at ISU.

Q. How do students qualify for the College Challenge Program?

印第安纳州的学生如果完成了十年级的常规课程,并且正在进入高中三年级或四年级,如果他们有2分,就有资格参加大学挑战赛.5 or higher cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

符合条件的学生必须提交大学挑战赛申请和高中成绩单,以满足入学标准. 资格要求必须在接受该计划之前由高中官员验证.

Q. What are the advantages of participating in the ISU College Challenge Program?

  • 学生和家长可以省钱,因为大学挑战赛的费用远低于同样课程的在校费用. College Challenge courses cost just $25 per credit hour, compared to $304 per credit hour for the same course on campus.
  • 学生在高中的时候就会经历大学水平的课程,并获得大学学分.
  • 参加大学挑战课程可以让学生在大学有一个快速的开始,因为这些课程可以用来满足ISU的大学毕业要求,也可以转移到另一所大学. All College Challenge courses can be found on Indiana' transfer portal,
  • College Challenge students may use ISU library resources and on-line databases.
  • 大学挑战的学生可以方便地学习大学水平的课程,而不必去大学校园,因为所有的课程都是在学生的高中教室里完成的.

Q. Will College Challenge credits transfer to other universities?

成功完成大学挑战课程的学生将获得ISU学分, 这些信息记录在成绩单上,成为学生永久记录的一部分,可以根据学生的要求发送到任何学院或大学,请联系ISU的注册和记录办公室 任何接受ISU学分的学院或大学都应该接受通过college Challenge获得的学分.

However, 在另一所大学获得的学分的认可通常是接收机构的选择. Refunds will not be issued if another institution does not accept ISU credits. 在参加大学挑战赛课程之前,学生有责任确定ISU学分的可转移性.

要查看一些ISU学院挑战课程如何转移到其他印第安纳州公共机构,请访问 Transfer Central.

Q. How do College Challenge courses differ from Advance Placement (AP) courses?

大学先修课程(AP)通常被认为在内容上等同于大学课程, 唯一的例外是,学生必须在期末考试中获得足够高的分数,才有资格获得大学学分. College Challenge courses are often aligned with AP courses, 为学生提供大学学分或AP考试的选择. 选择参加大学挑战课程可以保证学生从第一天起就能获得大学学分, as long as they pass the course. Both College Challenge and AP offer an accelerated curriculum, 但通过“大学挑战”获得学分反映了与大学课程相当的对学生表现的持续评估, not just the results of a one-time examination.

Q. 如果我的高中不是ISU大学挑战计划的合作伙伴,而我有兴趣参加大学挑战课程,我该怎么办?

让你的指导顾问或老师意识到你对国际州立大学大学挑战项目的兴趣,并让他/她通过列出的信息联系项目的网站. New partners and new teachers are always welcome in this valuable program.


Jill Blunk
College Challenge Program
Indiana State University
134E Tirey Hall
Terre Haute, Indiana 47809
Phone: (812) 237-2670
Fax: (812) 237-2525

High School Students & Parents:

请联系你的高中辅导员了解更多关于大学挑战的信息. High School Educators:

If you are a high school educator or administrator, please contact the College Challenge director for assistance:
Jill Blunk